The introduction of Manifest for Docker Version 4.0.2 is the introduction of Orgs, a new data paradigm that provides organizations the ability to separate and control access to Manifest content within a single domain, while providing users a simplified view of only information relevant to them. Although use of this new feature is optional, the release will introduce some changes to the way Manifest data is managed that should be understood by all Administrators and Authors.
To read more about Orgs, please visit here.
What’s New?
Please reference the following for a full outline around what is offered within the Version 4.0 Manifest Applications:
- Manifest Web Application | 4.0 Release Notes
- Manifest 3D for HoloLens | 4.0 Release Notes
- Manifest iPadOS | 4.0 Release Notes
Fresh Docker Installs vs. Docker Version Updates
There is an important update that needs to be made to the docker-compose.yml file depending if you are doing a fresh docker install or if you are updating to the newest version of Docker.
- Fresh Installs: dbpostgres variable MUST use the following image
- Image: postgres: 14.7-alpine
- Updating Docker versions: dbpostgres variable MUST use the following image:
- Image: postgres:

Manifest 4.0.2 Docker Images
Below are the docker images to be used with 4.0.2:
- API:
- Web:
- Converter:
- Redis:
- *Database:
- FRESH INSTALLS: postgres:14.9-alpine
IMPT NOTE! DO NOT CHANGE THE DATABASE IMAGE FOR UPGRADES. If you do plan to upgrade server versions, please reach out to for assistance.
Fresh Installations
For new Manifest who are using docker, you can download the example docker-compose.yml file and a fresh installation. Please find the install instructions here.
We have updated the login credentials for the docker registry. Please make sure to follow the instructions in the All About Docker article to make sure you are using the newest login and password.
IMPT NOTE: New Installations need to be sure to be using the following dbpostgres image (postgres:14.9-alpine) as outlined above.
IMPT TIP!: If on a FRESH install ONLY, if after restarting docker compose and waiting a few minutes manifest fails to load you may try these troubleshooting steps. These steps WILL destroy data on an upgrade install:
- Do docker-compose down to stop all containers and wait for them to exit
- Check volumes with docker volume ls and delete the manifest redis data and postgres volumes, they should be named like FOLDERNAME_redis_data and FOLDERNAME_manifest_postgres where FOLDERNAME is the name of the folder you run docker-compose from. Delete the volumes with docker volume rm NAME for each volume name
- Edit your docker-compose.yml adding IS_FRESH_START: "true" below the rest of the settings in the environment: list under api and change the restart: line to restart: no
- Save and exit then run docker-compose up –d give the software a few minutes to load and try to open the manifest page. If that works remove the IS_FRESH_START: "true" line from docker-compose.yml and change the restart: line back to restart: on-failure
- If it does not work, contact customer support for assistance at
- You MUST revert these changes before restarting manifest for any reason.
Updating Docker Installation
Please be sure to make the following updates to the compose file if you are updating from Version 3.1.2 to 4.0.2. Instructions for updating a docker installation can be found here.
We have updated the login credentials for the docker registry. Please make sure to follow the instructions in the All About Docker article to make sure you are using the newest login and password.
In addition to updating the docker-compose.yml file with the updated images outlined above, please also make sure you append your docker compose to include these following NEW settings. Please be sure to fill in the information that is indicated with “< >” brackets.
API Variables
CONVERTER_HOST: | converter |
IMPT NOTE: New Installations need to be sure to be using the following dbpostgres image (postgres:14.9-alpine) as outlined above.
Compatible Platforms
Docker installations needs to be running compatible versions across all client applications (ie. iPadOS, 3D Applications, etc.)
It’s important to note the following:
- The docker instance must be updated to 4.0.2 before any client applications are updated. Web/API’s for docker version 3.1.2 and earlier WILL NOT be compatible with client applications running 4.0 or above. It is NOT FORWARD COMPATIBLE.
- Example: If a docker instance is running Version 3.1.2 and the users update their client applications to version 4.0+, there are so many breaking changes that we would not expect the applications to run without encountering multiple errors.
- If a Docker instance is running Version 4.0.2 and the client applications are still running on version 3.1.2 or earlier DO NOT EXPECT that the client application to work as expected.