Toolset Overview

Introduction / Toolset Overview

Manifest Toolset Overview

Manifest gives deskless workers access to step-by-step guidance and remote assistance from your most experienced technicians and trainers anywhere, anytime  

By leveraging augmented reality, Manifest  improves operational workflows so that jobs get done more accurately and consistently. Using Manifest, deskless workers document maintenance and operational procedures, follow step-by-step instructions, remotely collaborate with experts, and analyze job performance and history. 

Use Manifest to: 

  • Easily capture and harness the knowledge of your experts and most experienced employees 
  • Apply expert knowledge to help workers complete jobs and training more consistently and accurately  
  • Remotely connect, collaborate, and assist 
  • Manage, coordinate, and track work and job performance 
  • Distribute your experts’ knowledge where and how you want with platform flexibility 

Top reasons to use Manifest  

  • Increase operational efficiencies Help deskless workers, regardless of skills and experience, complete their tasks consistently and more efficiently by providing on-the-job equipment familiarization and operation  
  • Reduce errors and scrap Perform operational tasks more accurately and more consistently to increase quality and avoid mistakes that lead to scrapped product and more manufacturing runs  
  • Minimize downtime Complete preventive or break-x maintenance tasks more accurately to avoid costly errors that increase downtime and keep equipment and facilities in better shape  
  • Decrease on-boarding and training times Provide hands-on, immersive training and instruction in the classroom, remotely or at the equipment to facilitate comprehension and increase knowledge retention  
  • Increase safety Step-by-step instructions ensure that critical steps are not missed or skipped. AR headsets frees up hands to make for a safer way to work on equipment in many environments
  • Decrease support costs and travel Connect your experts to less experienced workers or your customers to provide augmented guidance and support regardless of location  
  • Create a force multiplier By providing workers and teams instant access to knowledge and expertise, everyone becomes an expert and more is accomplished with less people  
  • Drive continuous improvements Collect and integrate job performance data by equipment, location, teams, and individuals to create a continuous feedback loop for process and procedural improvement  
  • Accelerate troubleshooting and times to resolution Provide guidance for non-linear workflows to help technicians diagnose and resolve unplanned issues faster  
  • Perform more accurate inspections and audits Structured guidance ensure that inspections are done consistently across individuals, teams, and locations and any issues found are captured, reported, and resolved