Create a Certificate for iPad

Create a Certificate for iPad

Home Forums Community Create a Certificate for iPad

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    • #3089
      luoxiaomi luo

      Guide to Create/Install a Certificate for iPad On-Prem (Docker)

      We installed a Taqtile client on the iPad, but when clicked, it prompted an error (Figure 4). The message indicates that an SSL certificate is missing. Our engineer looked at the Taqtile user guide. There is this description: ’ Unzip and copy the whole .ssl folder from this email to the C:\directory on your PC’. I would like to know what ‘This email’ is and how to obtain the SSL certification. Thank you.

    • #3090

      Hello Luo,
      Can you clarify what server you are trying to connect to? It is necessary to have a domain and Manifest server software installed or hosted in order to use the iPad application.
      Thank you

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