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We are thrilled to share with you, the much-anticipated public release of Manifest! This includes our first store releases for HoloLens 2 and iPad. Please read on to learn the more about all the new features available – they will transform the way your team leverages Manifest in a world where there is an increasing and immediate demand for remote work and support. We can’t wait to see what you do with it!
What’s new?
Expert Connect – Connect with other users, whether via the Client Web Portal or 3D headset. Expert Connect includes:
- Real-time chat
- Direct Audio and Video for 1 – 1 user calls
- Initiate a call from a job step marker. The contact list will sort by relevant users starting with the original Author and recent Operators.
- Share photos, videos, PDF’s or jobs with other users via Expert Connect Chat
Working Together – Whether it’s a planned team procedure or an operator unexpectedly needs to reassign a step or job to another operator, this new set of features provides the tools to ‘Work Together’.
- Team Jobs: Invite other Operators to collaborate on a Job by creating a Team. The Team Owner can either assign steps to team members, or they can self-assign steps to themselves. Once the work is divvied up, lock the assignments and start the job. All team members can watch the job progress through each step and view evidence left by other operators.
- Job Assignments: Select the new “Assign” option from a job step marker to invite another operator to take over. Once the operator accepts, they will own the job and all subsequent steps (unless of course they assign it off to someone else).
Manifest for iPad–
- Finally take Manifest with you everywhere with our new “Manifest for iPad” App, now available in the Apple App Store.
- Full Spatial authoring capability for creating procedures using 3D markers and notes.
- AR view of Job steps allowing any user to clearly identify what they are supposed to be doing at each step.
- Map viewer for viewing Assets and Locations through the iPad camera
Client Portal 3D Model Manager – Updates in the Client Portal make it easier for clients to set-up and configure 3D models.
- 3D models files, textures and materials should now be uploaded via a Zip-archive folder. The 3D Model Manager will unzip and auto auto-convert to glb and GLTF formats
- A new 3D Model Viewer now allows users to set the rotation, position, and scale from the model viewer as well as save multiple views of the same model.
Trial and Tutorial – Unlicensed users can now to take a free tour of Manifest in our trial environment.
- After installing the application, select ‘Signup’ to create a View Only account.
- You’ll be walked through an introductory tutorial to learn the basics and then can explore the application on your own with some sample content.
Install the latest build for your device. Those denoted with an * are now available in the app stores!
- Manifest for HL2 *
- Manifest for iPad (v. 1.6) *
- Manifest for HL1 (Coming to the app store soon! Please use the x86 app package and dependencies to side load.)
- Magic Leap (Coming to the app store soon!)
You’ll find updated User Guides and Training Videos in the Taqtile Community Knowledge Base.
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Questions? Contact us at help@taqtile.com.