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There is an updated release available for Manifest on HoloLens 2. If this is your first time installing the application, you can find it here. Here’s what’s new –



  • Group Chat in Manifest Connect! Create a group chat to collaborate with multiple contacts. Team Jobs will automatically generate a group chat so you can track and communicate updates throughout the job. This feature does not include call/video option.
  • Send Voice Notes via Manifest Connect
  • You can now edit Team Job assignments or invite additional team members at any time (even after a job has started).
  • New option to leave Pen Notes as evidence (or require it for any step). This is ideal for inspection scenarios using Manifest and allows an inspector to leave spatial annotations with a step note for your review.
  • We’ve added a Battery Status indicator (just below the Command Strip). This might help if you’re running low on juice and need to power back up before you start a big job.
  • If you make a Connect Support Request (calling out from a job step marker), the job card now automatically adds to your chat so the other user can reference the job firsthand.

Bug fixes in this release include:

  • Fixed Issue where more than 3 notes would leave blank spaces​
  • Fixed issue limiting entries on step title to 50 chars​
  • Fixed issue on HoloLens 2 where spatial mapping could block UI interaction while authoring​
  • Adjusted where Job Name is displayed on Job Checklist and added Job ID​
  • And miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements​