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We have a new and exciting update available for HoloLens 2! We’ve also been rolling out ongoing improvements and feature enhancements in the Client Web Portal that we’d like to share. Please check out the release notes below for more details –

HoloLens 2 – v.2.2 Release Updates

Manifest Connect – You can now share holograms (whether it be Manifest UI, a digital twin, or otherwise) in a Connect Video call. You will need to enable this option before initiating or accepting a call.

New! Manifest Direct enables a remote desktop user to view an Operators’ physical environment through a first-person view and then through that video feed directly interact with the environment to direct the user as needed. Manifest Direct includes:

· Ability for a remote desktop user to point highlight or ink in a 3D users’ environment. ​

· Ability for remote desktop user to render directional arrows for a 3D user to guide their gaze.

· Remote desktop user can follow the 3D users’ gaze via eye tracking.

New! Choice Notes – Branch procedures, add troubleshooting paths, or author multiple-choice options. Authors now have the ability to create up to 5 choice paths for an operator to select from at any step. A choice can be programmed to either go to a new sub-job or to proceed to the next step. ​

UX Updates – you’ll find we’ve made a few updates to improve the user experience and efficiency. This includes:

· Redesigned Step Marker

· Redesigned Step Authoring – all phases of step authoring ​(editing title, positioning, Leader Lines, and notes) can be done at once.

· Sub-jobs are now handled with stacking job checklist windows; opposed to indented steps on job checklist.

· An animated pen icon will now display on templates (under the Templates tab) when they are being edited in either the Client Portal or 3D application.

Report Bugs / Issues directly from the application

If you encounter any bugs or issues while using the app – please use our new bug reporting form (available under Settings). Complete a brief description, submit – and we’ll receive the ticket with your device logs for easier troubleshooting.


Install the latest build for your device: Manifest for HL2


Client Web Portal v.2.2 Enhancements:

New Template UI

· Now when you create a new Template you do everything in the initial page. Set your template title and Asset Class and then you can just start authoring your steps.

· Expand the template listing page to preview the template


· The web client portal now supports the translation of the web portal into Japanese and French.

· Simply toggle the translation dropdown located in the top right-hand corner and translate the portal into the languages provided.

Report bugs / issues directly from the client portal

· If you encounter any bugs or issues while in the client web portal – please use our new bug reporting form (available under Help). Complete a brief description, upload any relevant screenshots, submit – and we’ll receive the ticket for easier troubleshooting.

Unable to Simultaneously update a Template

· Now be alerted when a template is being edited by another user either on the client portal OR on the device.

You’ll find updated User Guides in the Taqtile Community Knowledge Base.

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