About Alerts

Alerts are generated when a Meter’s measurement falls outside of the defined threshold. The Alerts window shows all current Manifest Alerts and allows users to review and manage accordingly.

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Using Alerts

By default, the Alert window will show Alerts for all Locations, sorted with the most recent Alerts at the top. The list can be filtered by Location and the sort order reversed with the oldest first, if desired.

Alert listings include the following information:

  • Date the Alert was triggered
  • Meter name
  • Asset Class
  • Serial Number
  • Location
  • Measurement (Meter value at the time the Alert was triggered)
  • Up or down arrow indicates of this is more or less than the tolerance level set for the Meter

For each Alert, the listing includes a link to the Asset and a link to acknowledge the Alert. Selecting ‘Acknowledge’ will dismiss the Alert from the window and mark the Alert as ’Acknowledged’ in the Web Application reporting. Select the Asset to open the Asset detail window. The window will open on the Asset Meters tab with a list of all Meters and Measurements associated with that Asset. This listing will also include the configured Tolerance for the Meter. 

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