Single sign-on: authentication login using Auth0 

User Guides / Authentication / Single sign-on: authentication login using Auth0 


Single sign-on (SSO) is a type of authentication in which a user logs in to one system and is automatically granted access to other services.  Single sign-on is often used within enterprise environments (and with services such as Manifest) where employees access numerous apps and services daily.  Rather than having an employee create a separate set of credentials to log into every application they use daily, SSO allows a single login for authentication of many services using an OpenID platform.   

There are several different OpenID providers.  We have included a link below.  In the below article, however, we outline how to set up SSO authentication using Auth0. 


  • An Auth0 account 
  • Manifest Web Application Administrator or Security Administrator role 

Setting up an OpenID application  

  • Create an account here:  
  • An email asking to verify your account will be sent 
  • Once the login credentials are created, select “Create Application” 
  • A pop-up module will appear. Select the “Regular Web Applications” option as seen in the screenshot below 
  • A page will ask to select the specific technology that is being used. Scroll down and select “Skip integration” 
  •  A configuration page will be displayed. 
  • Scroll down to Application URLs 
  • In the Application Login URL, enter the domain which will be authenticated and append with the following:  
    • /rest/sign-in-by-oidc-callback 
    • Example: https://[DOMAIN] 
  • Under Allowed Callback URLs, enter the following:  
    • https://[DOMAIN] 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Save Changes” 
  • A pop-up window will display “Successfully saved your changes. Changes may take up to 30 seconds before they take effect.” 
  • Scroll to the top of the page and select the “Profile” icon in the top right-hand corner to validate the set-up 

Setting up OpenID in the Manifest Web Application

  • Go to the Manifest Web Application instance 
  • Log into the domain 
  • Go to Client Settings 
  • Go to Authentication Configuration 
  • Select “+OIDC” 
  • Under Flow, select “implicit” 
  • Under Client ID, find the Client ID from the OAuth account that was set up above 
    • Example: T5xDv3CYHaJjWtO0OaWo95wDdV9vseP5 
  • Under Issuer, find the domain from the OAuth account that was set up above 
  • Select “Update” 
  • Logout 
  • The main Manifest login page will now display a new option for single sign-in called: “Sign In with OpenID Connect” 

Logging into the Manifest Web Application using OpenID connect 

  • From the Manifest Web Application Log In page, select “Sign in with OpenID Connect” 
  • A prompt will prompt users to log in to the OAuth website  
    • This will only happen the 1st time a user logs in with OAuth OpenID 
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