Authoring with the iPadOS Application

User Guides / Authoring / Authoring with the iPadOS Application

Creating and Managing Templates

Create a new template

From the Asset Management window, first find the desired Asset using search or scan.

  1. From the Asset Window Menu Bar, select “Templates”
  2. Select + Template to create a new Template
  3. A new Template window will generate with a pop-up prompting for the Template Title and Version
  4. After entering in the Template Title and Version name, select Add
  5. Once your Template is created, you will be able to start adding Steps and content
  6. Select the Save button before closing the window and exiting the Template

Create a new draft

  1. From the Asset Window Menu Bar, select “Templates”
  2. Find the Template for which you’d like to create a new draft and select to open the Template window
  3. Select the Template options icon, the circle with three-dots in the upper left-coner with the Template details
  4. Select Create New Draft
  5. A pop-up will prompt for the new version name
  6. Enter the version name and select Create Draft
    • If there is already an existing Draft in progress (whether in Draft, Submitted, or Approved status), a prompt will give the option to review that version. Only one Draft can be in progress for a Template.
  7. Once the new version is created, you will be dropped into the new version window in edit mode, and immediately able to start adding or editing Steps and content
  8. Select the Save button before closing the window and exiting the Template

Edit a template

  1. From the Asset Window Menu Bar, select “Templates”
  2. The window will display a list of all existing templates for this asset
    • The Templates list is defaulted to filter by Published Templates, tap the filter to update it to show Templates in Draft, Submitted, or Approved status
  3. Select the Template you wish to edit; the Template detail will load in a new window
    • Note: Published Templates may not be edited
  4. Select Edit to put Template into editing mode
  5. Options for editing a Template in Draft are below:
  • Edit Template Title or Version: select the Template Title to open the Template Edit window where the Template Title and version can be updated
  • Edit a step: select the step title in the left side of the screen to activate a step for editing; then use the action buttons on the right side of the screen to Add Note, position Marker, add or edit Leader Lines. Use the Swith to AR toggle to open the AR view and author spatial content.
  • Edit a step title: select the step title in the left side of the screen to activate a step for editing, and swipe the step title left to open up the options to edit step title or delete step
  • Delete a step: select the step title in the left side of the screen to activate a step for editing, and swipe the step title left to open up the options to edit step title or delete step. To delete multiple Steps at once, select the Manage Steps link above the list of Steps on the left and then tap the delete icon to the left of any Step you’d like to delete.
  • Add a new step: select the + Step button in above the list of Steps on the left to add a new Step
  • Reorder steps: select the Manage Steps link above the list of Steps on the left and then tap and hold the icon with the 3 stacked lines next to a Step you’d like to move, then drag to the desired position
  • Delete Template: select the trash can icon in the Template detail area to delete the template. Only a Draft can be deleted.
  • Save: select the Save button to save any changes made to a Template
  • Submit: select the Submit button when its ready to submit for approval

Author a step

Manifest provides an array of tools and Note options to provide operators additional guidance beyond the Step instruction typically found in the Step Title.

To edit a step and add additional notes or spatial content, select the step from the template while in edit mode to activate that Step. Action buttons are available on the right side of the screen to Add Note, position Marker, and add or edit Leader Lines. Use the Swith to AR toggle to open the AR view and author spatial content.

  • Add an AR Step Marker:
    • To spatially position a Step Marker for any Step, select the Marker button on the right side of the window.
    • Note you must be in AR Mode to author in AR and will be prompted to scan or place the Asset Tag before you can author any spatial content.
    • Selecting the Marker button will render a spatial Step Marker (a circle hologram with the number of the Step) in your camera view and open the Pin Marker button in the active state.
    • To position the AR Step Marker, move your iPad adjusting your camera and the AR marker to the desired position
    • Once in the desired position, select the yellow Pin Marker button to save the placement.
  • Add Leader Lines:
    • To add Leader Lines to an AR Marker, select the Leader Line button on the right side of the window.
    • Note you must be in AR Mode to author in AR and will be prompted to scan or place the Asset Tag before you can author any spatial content.
    • Selecting the Leader Line button will expand a window below the button to add multiple lines. Select + Line to add your first line.
    • Selecting the + Line button will render a Leader Line stretching out from the AR Marker in your camera view and open the Pin Line button in the active state.
    • To position the Leader Line, move your iPad adjusting your camera and dragging the end of the line to the desired end point
    • Once in the desired position, select the yellow Pin Line button to save the placement.
    • Additional Leader Lines can be added by selecting + Line and repeating the above steps.
    • To delete a Leader Line, select the line and then tap the trash can icon
  • Add Step Notes: To add a Step Note, select the Add Note button and select the desired note type, then follow the instruction prompts for each note type.

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