Authoring with the iPadOS Application

User Guides / Authoring / Authoring with the iPadOS Application

Creating and Managing Templates

Create a new template

To create a new template on the iPadOS application, you must be in AR Mode.

  1. From Asset Detail View, select the Templates icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  2. Select AUTHOR IN AR from the Templates dropdown in the bottom right-hand corner of the dropdown
  3. Scan the Asset Tag
  4. A sub-menu of options for this asset will appear in the upper right-hand corner
  5. Select the button labeled ‘Author’ and a window will slide down with the title ‘Templates List’
  6. Select the link ‘Add Template +’ in the upper right-hand corner
  7. Newly added steps will default to the step title ‘Template Title’
  8. Tap the template title (orange text) to open the keyboard and input the template title using the keyboard or voice-to-text and select ‘done’
  9. Select ‘Save’ to save and close the template, or ‘Add Step +’ to begin adding steps

Edit a template

  1. From Asset Detail View, select the Templates icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  2. Select AUTHOR IN AR from the Templates dropdown in the bottom right-hand corner of the dropdown
  3. Scan the Asset Tag
  4. A sub-menu of options for this asset will appear in the upper right-hand corner
  5. Select the button labeled ‘Author’ and a window will slide down with the title ‘Templates List’
  6. Select the template you’d like to edit
  7. The window will update with the template in edit mode
  8. To delete a step, swipe left on the step title in the list. Press the ‘delete’ button
  9. Selecting ‘Manage steps” will allow you to change the order of the steps by selecting the list icon and then dragging the step to the desired order in the list. You will also be able to delete steps from this view

Add a template step

  1. From Asset Detail View, select the Templates icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  2. Select AUTHOR IN AR from the Templates dropdown in the bottom right-hand corner of the dropdown
  3. Scan the Asset Tag
  4. A sub-menu of options for this asset will appear in the upper right-hand corner
  5. Select the button labeled ‘Author’ and a window will slide down with the title ‘Templates List’
  6. Create a new / or select an existing template
  7. To use GPS and store geo-coordinates as your author spatially anchored content, turn the “Use GPS” toggle button on
  8. Select the link “Add Step +” from the top of the window. (To add multiple steps at once, repeat this action)
  9. Newly added steps will default to the step title ‘New empty step’
  10. See “Authoring a step” for more details on the available tools
  11. When you have completed authoring the template. Select “Save’ in the upper right-hand corner

Author a step

When authoring a step, the Step title is the primary text that displays for each step. There is no character limit, but it is recommended to keep this instruction concise and easy for an operator to follow. Manifest provides an array of tools to provide operators additional guidance.

To author a step, select the step from the template. A new window will load with the step authoring options – described below:

  • Edit / enter Step Title: Tap the step title (orange text) to open the keyboard and input the step title using the keyboard or voice-to-text and select ‘done’
  • Make step a ‘Head Space’ marker: By default, the step marker will be created as a ‘Headspace Marker’ (meaning it is not a spatially anchored step). To spatially position the step, turn the Headspace Marker toggle button to off. The step marker will automatically save to the current position
  • Position step: to change the position of the step marker, select ‘Edit step position’ and aim your iPad camera towards the desired location for that step. When the step marker is in position, tap “Edit tag position’ again and the step will be saved to that location
  • Add Leader Lines: (Not available for Head Space markers)
    • Select ‘Edit line position’
    • Select the ‘+ Add box’. A box will automatically render numbers with the leader line number, e.g. 1 for line 1.
    • Aim your device to the location the leader line should point to.
    • When positioned in the desired location, tap the line number box to ‘Save’.
    • Repeat this to add lines.
    • To edit a line, tap the line number and repeat the positioning steps.
    • To delete, tap the line number and select ‘Delete’.
    • When complete, select the “Edit line position’ box to close.
  • Add Step Notes: To add a Step Note, select the “Step Notes” button and select the desired note type and follow the instruction prompts for each note type.
  • Save: when step authoring is complete, select ‘Save’ in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Cancel: to cancel and return to the template, select ‘Cancel’.
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