About Data Types and Hierarchy
When getting started with Manifest, or setting up a domain for the first time, it’s important to understand the basic data types and relationships. This section will cover the core data types, the Manifest data structure, and the relationship and dependencies connecting this data within Manifest.
Manifest Primary Data Types
The Manifest data structure centers around these primary data types: Asset Class, Template, Location, and Asset.
Asset Class
An Asset Class represents a type or category of equipment (typically identified by make and model). As an example, a Boeing 767 represents an Asset Class. This is the master “type” of aircraft identified by make = Boeing, and model = 767.
A Template is a repeatable set of work instructions. When workers performing a task with Manifest, they are following a procedure defined by a Template. Manifest Templates are characterized by numbered steps that must be completed in a sequential order. Templates could be a set of work instructions for a specific procedure or task, training material, or an inspection checklist.
A Location represents a physical address or geolocation where Assets are registered, and Jobs are performed. A Location can be a designated as a region, office, building, floor, work area, and so forth. It is the responsibility of the Domain Administrator to determine the appropriate way to segment Locations for a domain.
An Asset represents a unique item or piece of equipment, likely with a serial number or unique identifier. Assets belong to an Asset Class and are assigned to a specific Location. Assets inherit data configured for an Asset Class, such as Templates, Meters, and documents, but maintain their own service history, Job queue, and telemetry data.
Manifest Data Hierarchy
The Manifest data hierarchy refers to the way primary data types relate to one another. This is important to understand when configuring a domain and authoring Templates – so it’s clear how that data will connect or impact other areas.
The Asset Class, or the category or type of equipment, is the parent data type.

Asset Class entities: Since equipment manuals, procedural instructions, and Meters are defined and associated at the equipment type level – Documents, Templates, and Meters are stored in the Asset Class. This means any Document, Template, or Meter added or updated for an Asset or Asset Class will be updated for any Asset for that Asset Class.

The Location is where Assets are registered, and work is performed.

Assets are unique pieces of equipment nested under the Location data type. They inherit all data configured for their associated Asset Class.

Asset entities: Each Asset will maintain and store its’ own service history, Job queue, and Meter sensor data.

Asset Tag Placement
In Manifest, Assets are identified by a unique QR code called the Asset Tag. The Asset Tag serves as the primary point of reference for all spatially anchored content, including 3D Step Markers, Step Leader Lines, Pen Notes, and spatially positioned Meters.
Because Templates are authored at the Asset Class level and then inherited by any associated Asset, it is critical to determine a fixed and consistent placement of the Asset Tag before authoring any spatially anchored content. The placement of the Asset Tag must be consistent for all Assets of that same Asset Class so that the spatially authored content will render accurately and consistently over all similar Assets, regardless of Location. This allows a subject matter expert to author a work procedure over a piece of equipment in one location, that can be accessed and replicated over that same type of equipment anywhere in the world – so long as it is registered as the same Asset Class and the Asset Tag is placed in the same Location as the original equipment where the Template was authored.