View & Export Manifest Maker File

User Guides / Manifest Maker / View & Export Manifest Maker File


In ‘View’ mode, users can review the final digital procedure and all associated Notes.  

To View a Manifest Maker Template: 

  1. From the ‘My Templates’ Home screen, select the desired Template 
  2. Select View in the upper right-hand corner 
  3. Select Play to preview the Template step-by-step 
  4. Select Edit on the Template info or any Step to update   

Select the back arrow to return to edit mode. 


Maker Templates can be Exported in various formats. To export a Template: 

  1. From the ‘My Templates’ Home screen, select the desired Template 
  2. Select the three dots for the ‘More’ option in the upper right-hand corner 
  3. Select Export 

There are three (3) export options, which are outlined below: 

Export to Manifest

Exporting to a licensed Manifest domain allows users to take advantage of a full suite of additional authoring tools (including spatially anchored Steps and annotations) as well as the ability to generate and track Jobs, leverage remote assistance, and more. 

To export to a licensed Manifest domain: 

  1. Select Export to Manifest 
  2. Login to Manifest (if not already authenticated) with the appropriate domain and user credentials 
  3. Select the Asset Class with which the Template should be associated in Manifest 
  4. Select Export 
  5. A popup will appear with the option to view in Manifest or to close to continue working in Maker 

Export to a Manifest Maker File

Exporting to a Manifest Maker file allows users to save and store their Templates outside of the application in a Reality Composer format. Maker files can be shared with other users who can then import into their own local version of Maker or a licensed Manifest domain using the Manifest Web Application. To export to a Manifest Maker file: 

  1. Select Manifest Maker File  
  2. Select from the available methods to Share or Save the Maker File  

Export to PDF

Exporting to a PDF provides users another option to distribute and share Templates outside of Manifest Maker. To export to PDF: 

  1. Select PDF 
  2. Select from the available methods to Share or Save the PDF 

Note: Videos and Bookmarks are not supported in PDF format. 

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