
  • To add an Asset users must be assigned an Administrator or Author role 
  • To edit an Asset users must be assigned an Administrator role 
  • To delete an Asset users must be assigned an Administrator role 

About Assets

Assets are registered under an Asset Class and associated with a Location.  An asset Assets are registered under an Asset Class and associated with a Location.  An Asset represents a unique item (such as a piece of equipment) – likely with a serial number. It will contain its own service history, Job queue, and IoT data.   Each registered Asset must be assigned an Asset Tag ID generating a unique QR code to be printed and placed on the Asset.  The Asset Tag also serves as the primary point of reference for all spatially anchored content (3D step-markers, pen notes, meters, etc.) For this reason – it’s critical that the placement of the QR code (the Asset Tag) on an Asset is consistent for all Assets of that same class. 

Add an asset

  1. In the Manifest Web application, go to the menu and open ‘Assets’ 
  2.  Select “+ Asset”
  3. A window will open and prompt users for details required to create a new Asset. Fields include the following (those with an asterisk are required):
    • Serial Number*: an unique items serial number
    • Internal Id: optional field to associate an internal reference identifier 
    • Department: optional field to provide a department or team reference with the Asset 
    • High Criticality: optional checkbox to identify as a critical Asset 
    • Status*: status for this Asset which can be updated and managed as status changes (ie: active, inactive, in repair, etc.) 
    • Location*: the Location where the Asset is located. This must be associated with a configured Manifest Location 
    • Asset Class*: the associated Asset Class 
    • Asset Tag Id*: a unique identifier assigned to generate the QR code (can be an arbitrary number system or a specific asset tagging system that may be already used internally) 
  4. Once complete, select ‘Create’ 
  5. The newly created Asset should now appear in the list of Assets. Selecting its name will display details about it as well as a menu to access additional tools 

Print asset tag

  1. Once the Asset is created, expand the Asset details and select the blue QR code found under the ‘Tag’ header 
  2. A window will open and the QR code for that Asset  
  3. Above the QR code itself – there are two buttons to ‘Print QR’ or ‘Download PDF’ 
  4. Print QR to be placed on the unique item – OR – 
  5. Download PDF to save the QR code for the device for future use 

Pro Tip! The recommended QR code size is 56mm but the maximum size is up to 190mm.  The QR code is a global setting managed by the Admin in Client Settings.  The default size is 46mm. Be sure to keep the dotted line indicator around the QR code when printing. This ensures there is enough white space around the QR Code for optimum scanning.  

Print alignment tag

With any procedure that spans over a large asset/area, spatially anchored content may lose With any procedure that spans over a large asset or area, spatially anchored content may lose accuracy the further it is from the scanned Asset Tag. Alignment actions allow Authors to create steps to re-align content an Alignment Tag at any stage in the procedure.  These tags will increase accuracy. 

  1. Once the Asset is created, expand the Asset details and select the green QR code found under the ‘Tag’ header 
  2. A window will open and present the QR code that asset  
  3. A window will open and present the QR code that asset  
  4. Print QR to be placed on the unique item – OR – 
  5. Download PDF to save the QR code for your device for future use 

Pro Tip! The same Alignment Tag can be used multiple times for the same Asset. 

Edit or Delete an asset

  1. In the Manifest In the Manifest Web application, go to the menu option ‘Asset’ 
  2. Search for the Asset you would like to edit or delete
  3. To the right of the Asset name in the list, those with the necessary permissions will see an ‘edit’ or ‘delete’ icon 
  4. Selecting ‘edit’ will open the original Asset Creation window allowing information to be edited and updated 
  5. Selecting ‘delete’ will delete the Asset 

Note: Only those with Administrator permissions can delete an Asset.  If Jobs are associated with an Asset, that Asset cannot be deleted.

Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents