FAQs / Basic Support Questions

Basic Support Questions

Who do I contact if I need help? 

Please don’t hesitate to email manifestsupport@taqtile.com with any questions or post here on the Community Site.  

My company has a Manifest license, but I haven’t received my login credentials – where can I receive those? 

When your Manifest instance is deployed to newly licensed partners or customers an Administrator is assigned and an email is issued to them requesting them to set up their username and password.  Once this access is set up they will be able to access the Manifest Client Portal and will be able to add other users.  Please reach out to your Administrator to have your Welcome email resent to you.  You can also email manifestsupport@taqtile.com if you have any issues.

My company needs additional licenses, how can we increase our available users? 

Your company is only allotted the number of licenses that were agreed upon in the contract.  If you need additional licenses, please contact your Account Manager or email info@taqtile.com.  

I didn’t receive my Welcome email – how do I receive it? 

Please first check your junk folder and ensure that it wasn’t sent there and then email manifestsupport@taqtile.com who will respond promptly and resend the Welcome e-mail.  

The link in my Welcome email expired – how do I get a new one? 

Yes, you only have 72 hours before your welcome email link to set up your account expires.  Please email manifestsupport@taqtile.com who will promptly respond and resend another email with an updated link.  

I forgot my password, how do I reset it? 

Please access your Client Web Portal domain login page and select the Forgot Password link.  You will be prompted to enter in your e-mail address.  Once you receive the email you will prompted to reset your password.  Please note: You cannot use a password that has already been used previously.  

How do I know which release I am on? 

Within Manifest on the Head Mounted Device you can see what release you are on within Settings.  In the Client Web Portal  

Is there a way to share what I am seeing with others when using Manifest? 

Manifest has a supporting Viewer app called Manifest Viewer.  Please contact your Account Manager or email manifestsupport@taqtile.com for more information and obtain access. 

For the HoloLens devices Microsoft has a Device Portal where you can utilize their “Mixed Reality Capture” module.  For more information you can please visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/debug-test-perf/device-portal-hololens 

What’s the best way to demo Manifest? 

Manifest has a supporting Viewer app called Manifest Viewer.  Please contact your Account Manager at info@taqtile.com for more information and obtain access. 

For the HoloLens devices Microsoft has a Device Portal where you can utilize their “Mixed Reality Capture” module.  For more information you can please visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/debug-test-perf/device-portal-hololens 

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