How to get the black background used in your How-To videos?

How to get the black background used in your How-To videos?

Home Forums Community How to get the black background used in your How-To videos?

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    • #2689

      We need to do some video/image captures for our efforts and were wondering if the black background is a post-processed attribute of your videos, or a setting within either Manifest or the 3D capture device.

      Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    • #2984
      Job Wallis

      Hello Tony
      This is a setting available within the Hololens streaming function.
      First make sure that your hololens is on the same network as your capture device (my windows pc for example)
      “what is my ip address” voice command while using the hololens will provide an ip address that can be entered into a (eg chrome) browser window.
      eg i enter “” into my browser address bar.
      This will bring up the “Home – Windows Device” page.
      On the left menu navigate to Views –> Mixed Reality Capture
      Choosing “Live Preview” button here will provide a live camera feed (with holograms) of the HL feed.
      To achieve the black back ground effect we need to turn off the camera component of the feed.
      This is done by deselecting “PV Camera” checkbox.
      You will need to “stop live preview” and then reselect “live preview” to make this change take effect.
      You should then see no camera feed but will see only the hologram feed.
      You can record from here also though this stops the live feed preview. Or you could use a third party screen capture tool.
      Hope this helps. Let us know how you go or if you have further queries.

      Job Wallis
      Taqtile Technical Solutions Specialist
      Sydney Australia

    • #2985
      Job Wallis

      Hello Tony
      This is a setting available within the Hololens streaming function.
      First make sure that your hololens is on the same network as your capture device (my windows pc for example)
      “what is my ip address” voice command while using the hololens will provide an ip address that can be entered into a (eg chrome) browser window.
      eg i enter “” into my browser address bar.
      This will bring up the “Home – Windows Device” page.
      On the left menu navigate to Views –> Mixed Reality Capture
      Choosing “Live Preview” button here will provide a live camera feed (with holograms) of the HL feed.
      To achieve the black back ground effect we need to turn off the camera component of the feed.
      This is done by deselecting “PV Camera” checkbox.
      You will need to “stop live preview” and then reselect “live preview” to make this change take effect.
      You should then see no camera feed but will see only the hologram feed.
      You can record from here also though this stops the live feed preview. Or you could use a third party screen capture tool.
      Hope this helps. Let us know how you go or if you have further queries.

      Job Wallis
      Taqtile Technical Solutions Specialist
      Sydney Australia

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