Working in Manifest

Knowledge Base / Get to Work with Manifest / Working in Manifest

This article details how to work or perform a Job in Manifest.  

If working primarily with Manifest 3D with an AR-based headset, we recommend users become familiar with the basics of the application. Review the 3D Application UI basics and the Manifest Guided Tour to learn the basics of navigating the Manifest 3D application. 

About Jobs in Manifest 

A Job is a procedure performed using the Manifest application by following a set of step-by-step instructions previously authored as a Template. 

While a Template is defined as a repeatable set of work instructions, a Job is the execution of those work instructions – or Template – with a specific Asset by one or more Operators. 

While performing a Job, Manifest enables Operators to add Evidence Notes, such as a photo or video, to any Job Step to share additional information about the work to be performed and provide evidence of successful job completion. Additionally Manifest tracks and captures data about the Job execution such as the elapsed time for each step, the total time to complete the entire job, and the specific Operator that performed the Job to build a complete archive and Job history. 

For more information about Jobs in Manifest, please reference the About Jobs guide. 

The Asset Tag 

The Asset Tag provides information unique to the specific piece of equipment and is also the primary point of reference for all spatially anchored content and the unique identifier for the Asset in Manifest. 

Before performing a Job using the Manifest 3D or Manifest for iPadOS or Android applications, locate the printed tag on the asset. Should a digital tag need to be placed, locate the area on the asset where the digital marker should persist. 

Get to Work in the Manifest 3D application 

Get to work quickly with the Manifest 3D application by accessing existing Jobs in the Dashboard. Here Operators can quickly access Jobs assigned to them, view recent work, and access Manifest Favorites, favored assets, locations, and Templates.

If work is organized by Location, reference the Locations guide for an outline of how to work in Manifest by Location. 

Once the Job is located in Manifest, Operators are ready to get to work. For a comprehensive overview of how to perform Jobs, please watch the Perform a Job in Manifest 3D video or read the Jobs in the Manifest 3D application Guide

Get to Work in the Manifest Web Application 

Review the Jobs in the Manifest Web Application guide for an outline of how to perform Jobs using the Manifest Web Application. 

Get to Work in the Manifest iPadOS application 

Watch the recorded Getting Started with iPadOS Webinar for an overview of working in the Manifest for iPadOS application 

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