Manifest iPadOS | 2.4 Release Notes

Release Notes / Manifest iPadOS / Manifest iPadOS | 2.4 Release Notes

About this release

Below you will find all the latest updates introduced with Manifest 2.4 – now available in the Apple App Store. With this release we focused on increasing parity with our 3D applications and improving user flow. Please see below for more details about these new Manifest features.

2.4 was published to the Apple App Store on March 31, 2022

Support notes

Important! Clients with On-premise configurations must update their docker installation for compatibility. To review the current Docker versions available and make sure all applications are running on compatible version, please visit the article Manifest On-Premise Versioning.

For additional information on each new feature or improvement, visit Manifest User Guides for updated documentation.

Overview of what’s new

General Feature Enhancements

  • Added the ability for Authors to ‘Request Access’ to edit a Template that is being edited by another user and for that user to accept or decline
  • Added deep links into the iPad application. Users can hit a link and go directly to a Job or an Asset in Manifest for iPadOS
  • Added support for sign in using SAML and Okta
  • Added the ability to show 3D Models when previewing a Template in AR Mode
  • Expanded the Asset Management Search function to return results if there are matches for ID, Serial Number, Asset Tag ID, and Internal ID in addition to Asset Class name
  • Updated Job Board to save the last Location

UI/UX Changes

  • Application now warns user if they scan an Alignment tag before scanning the Asset Tag

Sub Jobs

  • Reviewing completed Jobs will now go into Sub Jobs (if applicable)
  • UI Improvements when a Job links to a Sub Job for a different Asset to make it more clear to the Operator that they must indicate which Asset they will be working on and why

Offline Work

  • Improved user flow so if an Operator selects “Go Offline” the application will automatically logout and prompt for the Offline Pin, rather than leaving them at the Sign in screen
  • Separated out categories for displaying and clearing Data & Storage. Clearing Jobs from Offline Work Package is also now handled separately.

Fixed in 2.4

Note Related Fixes

  • Removed the ‘title’ field prompted on Step and Evidence Notes
  • Fixed an issue where Steps with Choice Notes would hide any other Notes when in AR Mode

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • Removed Auto-Scale option for 3D Models
  • Removed the Opening Animation

Point release updates for 2.4


2.4.1 was published to the Apple App Store on June 23, 2022

In this release we focused on various bug fixes and improvements.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Added a way for users to Submit Bug Reports and add Photos & Videos
  • Expanded tools for crash logs and diagnostics
  • Updated Tutorial content
  • Updated Settings | Account design and expand edit options
  • Added ability for Author to associate a Model View or Animation to a Step Action Note
  • Added support for deeplink URLs for Templates
  • AR Review: Allow users to skip review of Choice Sub-Jobs and show “Next” option under step in AR
  • Connect fixes: Fixed the issue where leaving iPad app open in background may disconnect the socket and require user to logout/login again to get Connect working


2.4.2 was published to the Apple App Store on July 29, 2022

In this release we focused on various new features and improvements.

New Features

  • Added ability to Markup Photo Notes
  • Added support for OpenID SSO
  • Added support for Job Step Action Notes programmed to show a Model View. The app will now respect the configured Model View and rotate the model accordingly.


  • Added the ability to take Jobs with Choice Notes Offline
  • Various other fixes and improvements


2.4.3 was published to the Apple App Store on August 3, 2022

In this release we focused on various bug fixes and improvements.


2.4.4 was published to the Apple App Store on September 14, 2022

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a couple issues with the Bug Reporting tool where server errors would be returned, or a user would be unsuccessful submitting the report
  • Fixes an issue where previewing a Template would crash at a Step with a Choice Note
  • Fixed an issue where voice notes were not working in Connect
  • Fixed an issue where users may not be able to leave Evidence Notes when operating in AR mode
  • Moved the ‘Pin Tag’ button in AR view to prevent overlapping with Job Step UI 
  • Various other fixes and UI improvements 


2.4.5 was published to the Apple App Store on October 27, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue where the Connect Video would be upside down if you were using an iPad with a keyboard


2.5.2 was published to the Apple App Store on June 8, 2023

General Bug Fixes & Improvements


2.5.3 was published to the Apple App Store on June 15, 2023

Critical fix in Authoring

  • Fixed an issue where when Authoring in AR:
    • If a user added a Step from within a Step selecting “Add Step +” and then tapped ‘Back’ and Discarded Changes, it would wipe out Step Notes in the Template 
  • Fixed a logic issue:
    • The logic reverted to a state that blocked a user from accessing a Template to edit if it was being edited by another user 
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