Manifest Web Application | 3.0 Release Notes

Release Notes / Manifest Web / Manifest Web Application | 3.0 Release Notes

About this release

Below you will find the latest updates introduced on the Manifest Web Application on March 30, 2024.  Version 3.0 introduces a fresh look and feel of Manifest along with powerful new editorial and versioning control and workflow.  

Support notes

For additional information on each new feature or improvement, visit Manifest User Guides for updates.

Overview of what’s new

Overall design refresh and enhance UI

The Manifest 3.0 Web Application introduces a full refresh which simplifies and streamlines the user navigation. Updates include:

  • Updated color palette that highlights important information and navigation elements 
  • Reduction of modal pop-up windows to simplify and decrease the amount of user clicks and replaced with “toast messaging” 
  • Use of breadcrumbs to guide users between main and sub-pages  
  • Right alignment of all + ADD buttons improving discoverability and usability 

Editorial control & versioning of Manifest Templates

Manifest 3.0 will introduce new editorial controls and workflow for approving and publishing Templates. Details include: 

  • Assign new Approver and Publisher User Roles for more editorial control 3.0 will add two new user roles required to both Approve and Publish Templates in Manifest. 
  • Approve or Reject Submitted Templates. Approvers will have responsibility for reviewing and approving Templates before publishing. Approvers can approve or reject Templates and submit associated notes or change requests. Submitting Authors will receive notifications of status updates and details on changes requested if rejected. 
  • Limit Only Published Template for Job creation. Updates provide control for what procedures are used and when, by restricting Job creation to only Published Templates. 
  • Manage and Archive Templates with new Versioning capabilities including: 
    • Authors can now manage and track Template changes with each version 
    • A history of published and archived versions is maintained and easily referenced for a Template. 
    • Active Work and Work History can be viewed by each Template version 
  • Track Template Activity Users can view the editorial activity that transpired in the creation and updating of new versions of a Template including who contributed to the process, when changes occurred, and any related comments and notes. This provides new visibility for all users and enables them to easily reach out to team members with questions.  
  • Notify users when a new version of a Job Template is available Operators will be prompted with an alert informing them of the new version and ‘What’s Changed’ notes, with an option to either continue or cancel their Job and generate a new one using the updated version.  
  • Archive a Template – Archive Templates when they are outdated or should no longer be available to Operators. Archived Templates can be restored as or when needed.   
  • Cancel Jobs – Operators and Admins can now cancel In Progress Jobs using the Manifest Web Application.   

General feature enhancements

  • Asset status types updated to only include ‘Active’ and ‘Archived’  
    • Status type of In-Repair, Offline, Inactive no longer exist.  
  • Pen Notes have been renamed as AR Notes 
  • Manifest Web Application now supports and displays Hand Notes when present in a Template or as Work Evidence 
  • Actions Notes have been separated within the Manage Step Note modal when authoring Templates.  They now show within the main listing as:  
    • 3D Models
    • Alignment Action
    • Meter
  • Removal of the Object Reference Settings option in the Admin Client Settings  
  • Updating of all QR Code / Asset Tags to default to a 56mm size 
  • Updated Asset Tag and Alignment Tag download to PDF view and additional user instructions to ensure proper sizing and set up 
  • The addition of a simple Excel Reporting Templates that you can use to create customized reports.
    • This new function is currently in BETA and marked as such on the left hand menu
  • Other minor bug fixes

Deprecated Features with 3.0 on the Web Application

  • Marketplace
  • Users Guides on the left menu 
  • Dynamics CRM Integration option within Admin Client Settings 
  • Object Reference Setting option within Admin Client Settings 
  • Video Editor is no longer available in the Manage Notes section when uploading a Video when authoring a template 

Point release updates for 3.0


3.0.1 was published on the Client Web Application on Monday, April 22, 2024.

In this release we have made a number of fixes and corrections, including:

  • Value lists associated to faults wouldn’t save
  • UI fixes with Job Evidence
  • Go to Template link in Work actions
  • Fixed a bug with Meter Units
  • Fixed issues with model upload file size limitation of 500MB
  • Fixed a bug when downloading a video or photo from a template was downloading as an .txt file
  • Fixed a bug where step numbers weren’t showing when copying highlights in a template

New additions in Version 3.0.1 include:

  • All pages allow to filter by 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 entries
  • Implementation of a server Error Page
  • Implemented functionality to alert when Users have reached the license limit

Known issues in Version 3.0.1 include:

  • Filtering by Fault Notes, Asset Fault Notes or Template Evidence on the Value List page does not work
  • Importing by .xlsx shows as an option but does not upload properly
  • Value Lists | Customized Evidence associated to a Fault doesn’t save


3.0.1-Hotfix was published on the Client Web Application on Thursday, May 2, 2024

Fixed an the issue where too many requests generated when opening some templates lead to certain templates loading slowly or not at all. 


3.0.2 was published in the Client Web Application on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

  • Fixed a bug impacting the accuracy of Manifest Direct
  • Fixed a bug where importing steps from another template was changing the Asset Class 
  • Fixed issue where the Template ID wasn’t being maintained through editorial process 
  • Fixed a bug where Value Lists associated to Faults wouldn’t save
  • Fixed a bug when deleting an Asset Class wasn’t working
  • Updated permissions based on user roles
  • Updated the Job Timer to display the total time (including Sub-Jobs)
    • Note: There is currently an issue in which the timer update can reset back to the time of the step being completed on the web, which can lead to a display issue where the timer appears to roll back one second when a step is completed. We are currently working on increasing the precision in the job timer to alleviate this issue.
  • Updated Meter units to allow to edit at the create meter within the Asset Class
  • Added the import template via Excel functionality
  • Enhanced the Job export to PDF to include Sub-Jobs and Evidence
  • Additional bug fixes and improvements


3.0.3 was published in the Client Web Application on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

  • Enhanced import functionality
  • Enhanced Bug Report functionality on the Web Application
  • Fixed issue with the Job Timer
  • Updated user status to Online, Offline and Busy
  • Fixed issue with different sized text notes not displaying correctly
  • Other minor bug fixes


3.0.4 was published in the Client Web Application on Friday, June 21, 2024.

  • Improved handling for long Template Title Names​
  • Improved template preview of Model Notes (Show model / Hide Model)​
  • Remove the ability to upload MS office docs in Connect for consistency across platforms​
  • Fixed filtering issues​
  • Fixed issue with last login wasn’t showing on domains
  • Other minor bug fixes

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