At the core of Manifest’s suite of features is Work. Work is an umbrella term used to refer to both Jobs and Tasks. Manifest enables users to replicate and follow step-by-step procedures using Jobs or to create and track Tasks required to resolve issues or coordinate necessary to-do’s, such as ordering parts for a repair. Work can provide a view into the maintenance history performed over an Asset (e.g. a piece of equipment) or be used to manage and track recurring tasks and procedures that must take place at different Locations. Work can be managed and utilized in a variety of ways and views, depending on the application and focus.
Work Types
There are two types of Work available in Manifest – Jobs and Tasks.
Jobs: A Job is a procedure performed using the Manifest application by following a set of step-by-step instructions previously authored as a Template
Tasks: Tasks are free-form Work items that fall outside the parameters of a set Template and allow users to impart important to-do information via an assignable medium within Manifest, either on-the-fly during a Job or directly from the Main Menu
Work Status types
- Assigned: Work items that have already been assigned
- Unassigned: Work items that have yet to be assigned or have been unassigned
- In Progress: Work items that have been started and are currently assigned, but are not yet completed
- Completed: Work items that have been completed
- Canceled: Work items that have been canceled
Work Priority
When work is created, either manually or by a work order system – a priority must be assigned to the Work item. Priorities may be High, Medium, or Low and Work listings will use these colors to indicate the Work’s priority level.
- Red = High
- Yellow = Medium
- Green = Low
Work Listings
Each Work item has a Work listing. Work listings include all relevant information to help users quickly identify key information to prioritize their work and locate the associated Asset. Below are some of the details that will typically be included with each Work item (the data and format may vary depending on the platform or area within the application Work is listed)
- Web Application Work Listing:
- 3D Application Work Listing:
- iPadOS Application Work Listing:
- Work Type – typically represented by the Work type icon
- Jobs: Wrench icon
- Tasks: Clipboard icon
- Jobs: Wrench icon
- Work ID – internal Manifest ID
- Last updated date & time – based on last date and time the Job or Task was updated
- Work Status – Unassigned, Assigned, In Progress, or Completed
- Priority – indicated by color: High (Red), Medium (Yellow), Low (Green)
- Progress: shown in percentage complete
- Asset Class Name – Asset Class Name as configured by Admin or Author
- Serial Number: data header reads S/N
- Asset Tag ID – unique ID for Asset Tag / QR code
- Location – Location the Job or Task is assigned (based on Asset’s Location)
- Assigned User(s) – displayed as a User Avatar or initials in application Work Listings
- Fault icon – A triangle red icon will display if the Job has ‘Open Faults’; gray indicates the Job has ‘Resolved Faults’
- Offline – An offline icon will indicate the Job is synced down to the users’ Offline Work Package
- Creation Date – date the Work item was created
- Start Date – date the Work item was started
- Completion Date – date the Work item was completed
- Duration – the total time tracked by the Operator(s) to complete the Job (time is not tracked when Job is paused)
Manifest Web – Viewing & Managing Work
The Web application provides a variety of ways to view, manage, and complete Work in an organization’s domain. Below is a guide on using the Work and Work History windows to view and manage Work.
Work vs. Work History
- Work window
- Selecting Work from the Main Menu opens the Work window. Work shows all active Jobs and Tasks in a Manifest domain. From this view, work can be created, assigned, shared, or accessed to complete
- Selecting Work from the Main Menu opens the Work window. Work shows all active Jobs and Tasks in a Manifest domain. From this view, work can be created, assigned, shared, or accessed to complete
- Work History
- Selecting Work History from the Main Menu opens the Work History window. Work History shows all completed Jobs and Tasks in a Manifest domain. From this view, users can view the Work details, the date/time created, and duration the Job was run for completion, Users can also open the Work item to view any Job evidence captured and Faults recorded during a procedure
- Selecting Work History from the Main Menu opens the Work History window. Work History shows all completed Jobs and Tasks in a Manifest domain. From this view, users can view the Work details, the date/time created, and duration the Job was run for completion, Users can also open the Work item to view any Job evidence captured and Faults recorded during a procedure
Work window
Add Work
- From the left side Main menu, select Work
- Select + Work from the upper left-hand corner
- From the Add Work pop-up, select the desired Work Type
- Task:
- Non-procedural Work items requiring only Task Description and an associated Location
- Non-procedural Work items requiring only Task Description and an associated Location
- Job:
- A procedure generated from a Manifest Template
- A procedure generated from a Manifest Template
- Task:
- Enter the required information
- After completing the required fields, select Create
- Once created, the new Work item will appear at the top of the Work List
View and Manage Work
Select the filter icon in the upper right-hand corner to filter Work items further by various options.
Filter by Status
- Select the top tabs to view the Work items by Status: Assigned, Unassigned, In Progress, or All to show all Active Work. Completed Work can be viewed in Work History
Filter options
- Location: select this filter to show Work for a specific Location or multiple Locations by using the multi-select checkboxes. The Locations are listed in alphabetical order
- Priority: Filter by the chosen Work priority (High, Med, Low)
- Asset: Show only Work associated with a specific Asset
- Asset Class: Show only Work associated with a specific Asset Class
- Type: Filter Work by type- either Jobs or Tasks
- Assigned User: Show Work assigned to a specific user(s)
- The search bar can be used to search by any parameters relating to a Work Listing (e.g. Work ID, Job Title, Task Description, Asset Class, or Asset Tag ID)
- By default, Work is sorted from newest to oldest based on the last updated time. Additional sort options are available by selecting the up or down next to the appropriate column header. The arrow will display as blue when the data is sorted by that data
For users with the required permissions, a three-dot icon will display on the right side of the Work item listing.
Selection this icon will open a list of available Actions. Additional action options may include:
- Share: share the Work item with any licensed Manifest users via Manifest Connect. A Work Item card with a link to open the Work will be sent to the recipient
- Reassign: will allow a Work item to be reassigned
- Copy Link: share a direct link to a Work item with licensed Manifest users. Selecting this link outside the app will redirect the user to the application and open the Work listing once they are authenticated
- Go to Template: allows users to view the related Template the Job was generated from
- Export options allow users to export all the Work data via Excel, CSV, PDF, or ZIP file
Manifest 3D – Viewing & Managing Work
The Manifest 3D application provides a variety of ways to view, manage, and complete Work – leveraging AR content on a hands-free device.
Work window
Selecting Work from the Main Menu opens the Work window. Work shows all active Jobs and Tasks in a Manifest domain. From this view, Work can be created, assigned, shared, or accessed to complete. Below is a guide on using the Work window to view and manage Work.
By default the Work window will show all Work, for every location and Status. To narrow the Work view to a specific focus, use the available filters. Text displayed above the Work listings will define which Work items are filtered.
- Filter by Location: select this filter to show Work for a specific Location. The Location filter will display favorite Locations at the top of the dropdown list and any Child Locations under the Parent
- Work window Filter options: Select the Filter icon
to filter by the following parameters
- Status: To filter by Status, open the Work window filter and select from the available Status type: Unassigned, Assigned, In Progress, and Complete
- Faults: To show only Jobs with Faults, select the checkbox for Open Faults
- Work Type: To filter by only Jobs, or only Tasks – select the respective Work Type checkbox
- Filter by Priority: Work can filtered by Priority – High (red), Medium (yellow), or Low (green)
These priorities are set at the creation of any Work, either by the creator or Work order system. Selecting the desired, the colored dot corresponding with the desired Priority setting will filter only that priority level - Filter by My Work: To view only Work assigned to the current user, select the My Work toggle
on the upper right-hand corner under the filter
- By default, Work is sorted from newest to oldest based on the last updated time. To reverse the order from oldest to newest, select the Sort icon
in the lower right-hand corner
- Open: Select the Work listing to open the Work item (this will open the Job Checklist or the Task Detail window)
- Scroll: To scroll between pages, select the up or down arrows to the right-hand side of the Work window
*Note: In the 3D Application, Jobs can be created from an Asset Template or from a Fault. This is covered in more detail in the “Work in the Manifest 3D Application” Article available here.
The Dashboard is a centralized place for users to easily access items they need to get to Work using Manifest, and to do so quickly. The Dashboard will enable a user to see what they worked on most recently, find their favorite items, and view their assigned Work.
- Accessing the Dashboard: The Dashboard will be opened by default upon login. It can be accessed at any time by selecting the Profile Avatar icon on the Dock
- Dashboard tabs: there are 3 tabs in the Dashboard –
Recent Activity
My Work
- Filters: All Dashboard data can be filtered by Location. The Location filter will display favorite locations at the top of the dropdown list and any Child Locations under their Parent. Additionally, each tab can be filtered by the types of data available
My Work
Any active (‘Assigned’ or ‘In Progress’) Jobs assigned to the user will show under the My Work tab. By default, Work is sorted from newest to oldest based on the last updated time. Use the sort option in the lower right-hand corner to reverse the sort order.
To take Jobs offline for working without a network connection, select ‘Work Offline Setup‘, and all Jobs will become selectable. After selecting all Jobs, select ‘Save’ to sync them to an Offline Work Package, select ‘Save’.
Manifest iPadOS – Viewing & Managing Work
The Manifest iPadOS application provides a variety of ways to view, manage, and complete Work in an organization’s domain– with options to easily toggle to AR Mode when relevant to the Job or Asset. Below is a guide on using the Work and Asset Management windows to view, manage, and complete Work.
Work Board
The Work Board is a centralized view of all Jobs and Tasks organized by Location and status.
The Manifest iPadOS Work Board uses the Kanban system to provide users a clear visualization of all the current Work in progress at any Location and a quick way to find Unassigned Jobs that need to be completed.
Add Work
From the Work Board, users with either Admin or Operator roles may use this option to Create a new Job or Task.
- From the Main menu, select Work
- Select + Add Work from the upper left-hand corner
- From the Add Work pop-up, select the desired Work Type
- Job:
- A procedure generated from a Manifest Template
- Task:
- Non-procedural Work items requiring only Task Description and an associated Location
- Job:
- Enter the required information
- After completing the required fields, select Add
- Once created, the new Work item will appear in the Work list
View and Manage Work in the Work Board
Filter Options
- Filter by Location: select this filter to show Work for a specific Location
- Status: The Work Board groups and displays all Work into columns based on Status:
- Unassigned
- Assigned
- In Progress
- Completed
- Work Type: To filter by only Jobs, or only Tasks – open the Work Type dropdown, and select the desired type
- Filter by Priority: To filter by priority, select the Priority dropdown, and choose the desired priority level from the list
- Filter by My Work: To view only Work assigned to the current user, select the toggle My Work on the upper left-hand corner under the window title

- The search bar can be used to search by any parameters relating to a Work Listing (e.g. Work ID, Job Title, Task Description, Asset Class, or Asset Tag ID)
Asset Management
The Asset Management tab shows all Asset Classes and Assets available in an organization’s domain along with any associated data. Work can be created, completed, and viewed for any Asset.
To view Work and Work History for an Asset, select the desired Asset from the list and tap either the Work or Work History icon from the Asset Detail menu in the upper right-hand corner.
Work List
Selecting the wrench icon opens the Work list, allowing users to view all active Jobs and Tasks associated to that Asset.
- Filter options
- Use the top tabs to toggle the views to show either All Work or My Work
- Select from the Status tabs to view all Work by status: Unassigned, Assigned, In Progress
- Create Work
- Select + Add Work
- Select the desired Work Type
- Enter the required information
- Select Add
- The new Work item will appear in the Work list
- Successful creation will trigger a creation confirmation pop-up
- Select + Add Work
Selecting the clock icon opens the Work History list, allowing the user to view all completed Jobs and Tasks associated to that Asset.
- Filter options
- Use the top tabs to toggle the views to show either All Work or My Work
- Select from the Status tabs to view all Work by status: Unassigned, Assigned, In Progress
- Review Work
- Tap on any completed Job or Task to review the history and details associated with the Work Item
- Jobs will open the Job Window and display details on when the Job was Started and Completed, by which Operator, and the Duration Time. A completed Job will automatically highlight any Job Evidence or Faults added to each Step and allow the user to tap through each Step to view