FAQs / Manifest Features + Benefits

Manifest Features + Benefits

I already have existing training manuals – can I put them in Manifest?

Yes! Manifest is one of the only tools available giving you the capability to take your existing documentation (including PDF’s) and place the relevant content into the specific step by step instructions that your experts create. In addition, you can take electronic versions of manuals and import the existing step by step instructions into Manifest, allowing for even faster creation of mixed reality authored content. 

Within this capability you can bookmark within those documents, you can take a manual and break up into different bookmarks – and doesn’t require 3D models, or creation of specific steps. Manifest also allows for the ability to copy/paste instructions from existing manuals into the AR step by step instructions Manifest allows you to upload training manuals that you can link to as part of the procedure you authoring.  To learn more please reference the Manifest Client Portal guide under the Knowledge Base section of this Community Site. 

What system’s integration capabilities does Manifest have? 

Yes, Manifest has system integration capabilities.  Please reach out to your Account Manager or email manifestsupport@taqtile.com outlining what you are looking to accomplish and we will reach out to you to discuss further.  

Working Offline Questions:

How does working offline work?

(While online)
1. Go to the Job Board and select ‘Work Package’.  
2. The Job Board will filter to your jobs and become ‘selectable’ 
3. Select the jobs you wish to take offline 
4. A bar will expand from the bottom of the job board with option to Save or Cancel 
5. Select Save (if this is your first-time taking work offline you will be prompted to set a 6-digit PIN) 

From the Asset 
(While online)
1. ‘Search’ for your asset or scan the respective asset tag. 
2. From the Asset Window, go to the tab option “Work Offline” 
3. Filter by jobs. (It will only show the jobs assigned to you.) 
4. Select the jobs you wish to take offline 
5. Once the items are selected, a save or cancel option will expand from the window.  
6. Select Save (if this is your first-time taking work offline you will be prompted to set a 6-digit PIN) 

(While online)
1. ‘Search’ for your asset or scan the respective asset tag. 
2. From the Asset Window, go to the tab option “Work Offline” 
3. Filter by templates. 
4. Select the templates you wish to take offline for authoring 
5. Once the items are selected, a save or cancel option will expand from the window.  
6. Select Save (if this is your first-time taking work offline you will be prompted to set a 6-digit PIN) 

1. Once your work package is successfully saved, you may logout and leave WiFi range. 
2. From the Login window, select “Work Offline” and enter your email and Offline Access Pin. 
3. To pull up the asset you wish to work with scan the asset tag or locate it via Search. 
4. Complete your work. 
5. Once connectivity is restored, all offline work will resync to the server and jobs will be removed from your offline work package. 
6. If your connection is not strong enough to successfully resync your offline data, it will reattempt to sync the next time you login. 

The Offline Content Menu item in the Command Strip will open a window displaying all entities saved for offline work. Notes: 

  • From the Offline Content window, you may delete any content you no longer need to work with offline. 
  • When your device reconnects to WiFi, jobs will resync and automatically disappear from the Offline Content Window.  
  • Templates and Assets will remain stored in Offline Content in the same state unless deleted or manually resynced.  If server-side changes have been made to these entities a resync icon will appear next to the item alerting you it is out of sync.  You can either resync that entity or resync all content (using the resync icon at the bottom of the window).  

iPad Questions:

How do I get access to iPad? 

Manifest will be available in the Apple App Store and can be installed on any ARKit-enabled iPad. The link to download the Manifest iPad version can be found here.

What are the benefits to iPad that isn’t available on the Head Mounted Devices? 

Today’s HMD’s are not well-suited to outdoor use (sun, weather, etc.) iPads can be used outdoors and can be equipped with intrinsically safe cases to permit use in volatile environments.

Working Together Questions:

What is Working Together?

Whether you’re planning to collaborate on a shared job or unexpectedly need to request help to transfer a job to another operator, this new set of features gives you the tools to ‘Work Together’

  • Team Jobs: After creating a job, invite other Operators to collaborate by creating a Team. The Team Owner can either assign steps to eavch user or operators can self-assign steps to themselves. Once the work is divvied up, lock the assignments and start the job. Each team member can watch the job progress through each step and view evidence left by other operators with each step.
  • Job Assignments: At any step in the job, select the “Assign” option from the step marker to invite another operator to take over the job. Once the operator accepts, they will own the job and all subsequent steps (unless of course they assign it off to someone else).

3D Model Questions:

What 3D Models do you support?

Accepted model formats include: .obj, .gltf, .fbx, .dae, .3mf, .stl, .usdz*

  • USDZ models are supported only on iOS platforms.

3D Model Specifications: 

  • Limit each model to 50,000 vertices or less 
  • Limit each mode to 10 materials or less (each one is a draw call) 
  • Limit each model to 5 textures, uploading as .png or.jpg 2048 x 2048 or smaller.

When exporting a Model, note the following:

  • Set Z to Forward
  • Set Y to Up
  • Triangulate Faces
  • Model scale 1 unit = 1 meter
  • Set all xyz rotations to 0
  • Asset tag will be placed at the origin of the model

How are these models uploaded?

These models are uploaded under the Asset Class section in the Client Web Portal.  Once the Asset Class is added you can expand the module, click on the Manage Models link and follow the prompts.  Please be sure to read the 3D Model Support link in the Add Model module.  For more information please also reference the Client Web Portal User Guide found under the Knowledge Base section of this Community Site.  

What if I don’t have a 3D Model but would like one? Do you have someone who can help me?

You don’t need a 3D Model to use Manifest. However, if you would like a 3D Model and need help getting one created please reach out to info@taqtile.com about pricing to utilize our in-house 3D design architect.  

Manifest Connect Questions:

How does Manifest Connect work?

The Manifest Connect feature within Manifest allows users to connect with one another while using Manifest.  The Manifest Connect capabilities include being able to call web to web or web to device.  Other features include being able to share a video, share a file and share a job with another user. You can find this functionality in the 3D client on the user command strip or in the web portal side menu.   

Can you call a person on the web portal from the Head Mounted Device?

Yes! Utilizing the Manifest Connect feature within Manifest you are able to:
– Real time Chat
– Make direct Audio and Video calls for 1-1 calls
– Initiate a call from a job step maker. The contact list will sort by relevant users starting with the original Author and recent Operator who’ve performed the procedure.
– Share photos, videos, PDFs or even a job with other user

My audio isn’t working on the Client Portal – what might be happening?

Please make sure that you have enabled Audio and Video from your Chrome Browser and follow there additional steps:
– Open Chrome Camera and Mic Settings
– With Chrome open, click or tap the menu at the top right hand corner
– Choose settings
– Scroll all the way down the page and open the Advanced link
– Scroll to the bottom of the Privacy and security section and choose Content settings
– Choose either Camera or Microphone to access either setting

What are the bandwidth requirements for Manifest Connect?

A reliable network connection with enough bandwidth for all team members using Manifest Connect is fundamental to a good experience.  The bandwidth required to use Manifest Connect is similar to the amount required for other apps using WebRTC such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom. A single audio/video stream consumes about 500kbps while a 2-way stream consumes about 1-1.5Mbs. The upper range of 1.5Mbps is required for video resolution of HD 1080P at 30fps. 

Client Portal Questions:

I have forgotten my password – what do I do?

You can reset your password on the sign in page of the Client Web Portal. Click on the “Forgot Password” link, fill in your email address and when the email is received follow the instructions to reset your password.  Please note that you cannot use a password that has already been used.  

How do I set up password requirements for users who log into Manifest?

Web portal users with Admin rights are able to set password requirements under the Client Setting section. The client setting can be accessed by clicking on the gear in the top right hand corner of the portal page. From there you can select set up Password security rules so that when users log into the Client portal and the Head mounted devices and iPad you have to follow the password requirements that were put in place.

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