Information about Manifest v3.0 Updates & Changes

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We are excited to share information about Manifest version 3.0 and the features and product enhancements made available with this release.

Manifest 3.0 introduces significant enhancements to the product, particularly with tools for authoring (or creating) Templates. Changes in the user interface to facilitate navigation and increase usability are also introduced in places.

Kindly review the following information to gain insight into the changes and the necessary planning your team will undertake for the transition to version 3.0. 


ApplicationRelease DateRelease Notes
Manifest Web Application v.3.0March 30, 2024Release Notes
Manifest 3D for HoloLens 2, v. 3.0March 30, 2024Release Notes
Manifest iPadOS, v. 3.0March 30, 2024Release Notes
Manifest Maker, v. 1.4March 30, 2024Release Notes
Manifest for Docker, v. 3.0April 15, 2024*
*Estimated Release Date

New Features & UI Changes in Manifest 3.0

Editorial control & versioning of Manifest Templates

Manifest 3.0 introduces new editorial controls and workflow for managing and publishing Templates. Details include:

  • Assign new Approver and Publisher User Roles for more editorial control – 3.0 adds two new user roles required to both Approve and Publish Templates in Manifest.
  • Approve or Reject Submitted Templates. Approvers now have responsibility for reviewing and approving Templates before publishing. Submitting Authors will receive notifications of status updates and details on changes requested if rejected.
  • Limited Only Published Template for Job creation. Version 3.0 provides control for what procedures are used and when, by restricting Job creation to only Published Templates.
  • Manage and Archive Templates with new Versioning capabilities including:
    • Authors can now manage and track Template changes with each version
    • A history of published and archived versions is maintained and easily referenced for an Template.
    • Active Work and Work History can be viewed by each Template version
  • Track Template Activity – Users can view the editorial activity that transpired in the creation and updating of new versions of a Template including who contributed to the process, when changes occurred, and any related comments and notes. This provides new visibility for all users and enables them to easily reach out to team members with questions. 
  • Notify users when a new version of a Job Template is available – Operators will be prompted with an alert informing them of the new version and ‘What’s Changed’ notes, with an option to either continue or cancel their Job and generate a new one using the updated version. 
  • Archive a Template – Archive Templates when they are outdated or should no longer be available to Operators. Archived Templates can be restored as or when needed.  
  • Cancel Jobs – Operators and Admins can now cancel In Progress Jobs using the Manifest Web Application.  

Design and UI Changes

Manifest Web application introduces a design refresh to improve and simplify areas of the user navigation including: 

  • Updated color palette that highlights important information and navigation elements 
  • Reduction of modal pop-up windows to simplify and decrease clicks 
  • Use of breadcrumbs to guide users between main and sub-pages seamlessly to facilitate navigation

Manifest iPadOS is getting a refreshed authoring interface with more intuitive AR authoring tools and a design consistent with the Job user interface (UI) giving users a seamless experience between creating, viewing, and performing Jobs. New features include: 

  • Author in both 2D and AR modes 
  • Large call to action buttons for creating new Steps, authoring Step Notes, and positioning spatial content – all within thumbs reach 
  • What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editing enables Authors to view their Templates the way Operators will see them, as they edit and create them 
  • Scanning improvements made to make AR content more consistent and accurate 
  • AR Notes can now be placed by holding one finger to the screen and moving the screen or rotating the screen, making it easier and faster to create. 
  • AR Leader lines target using mesh from ARKit making them easier to create 
  • Add Jobs directly from a Template   
  • The application now also opens to the Work board so users immediately see any Work assigned to them

The Manifest 3D User Interfaces continues to be refined and polished with a more modernized look that includes: 

  • Large tool tips when hovering over Menu options and buttons  
  • Refreshed Work, Location and Asset listings and design elements to better highlight Manifest work and information 
  • Updated main navigation menu 
    • New Home button for the Users’ dashboard 
    • The Dock Pin option is now located next to the Dock Control, making it consistent with our standard window tools  
    • User Settings is now available by tapping the User icon 

Updating to 3.0

Manifest 3.0 introduces significant changes, especially with Templates and it will be important for users and organizations to understand and plan their approach for upgrading.  

Taqtile hosted instances:

  • The Manifest Web Application will automatically update on March 30th 
  • We highly recommend upgrading all other apps immediately to Manifest 3.0 on or after March 30th 
    • Manifest iPadOS v3.0 will be available in the Apple App Store March 30th
    • Manifest 3D for HoloLens2 will be available in the Microsoft Store on March 30th

On-Premise Instances

  • The Manifest Docker v.3.0 will be available by April 15th  
  • Individual users should NOT upgrade their applications to Manifest 3.0 until their Docker instance is updated to 3.0 

Plan your organization’s approach to Editorial Controls

  • By default all users provisioned with the Author User Role will be automatically updated to have Approver and Publisher roles. If your organization intends to implement Editorial controls, user permissions will need to be adjusted by the domain’s Security Administrator upon the release of 3.0
  • All current Templates will be automatically set to v.1 and Published with the release of 3.0. Admin and Publishers may Archive any Templates that should no longer be available for Jobs.

Support questions

Below we provide answers to some questions that may come up when coordinating and preparing for these changes:

Will I be automatically upgraded to Manifest 3.0?

For all hosted instanced of Manifest, the Manifest Web Application will automatically update to version 3.0 over the weekend of March 29th. Once updated, clients are encouraged to ensure all Manifest 3D and iPadOS applications are updated immediately to ensure full compatibility.

If we are using On-Premise (Manifest for Docker) server, how should we coordinate this update?

Clients using On-Premise (Manifest for Docker) server should not update Manifest 3D or Manifest iPadOS applications to version 3.0 until their Docker instance is updated to a compatible version for 3.0.

What changes can I expect when our Manifest instance is updated to v. 3.0?

For hosted and on-premise instances of Manifest, the following changes will occur after upgrading to Manifest 3.0:

  • The new User Roles for Approver and Publisher will be added and available to users with Full Licenses
  • Any user assigned with an Author user role will be automatically updated with Approver and Publisher. This is to minimize the disruption to the current authoring processes. When ready, Security Administrators may elect to update these roles accordingly following the launch of 3.0 
  • Existing Templates will be automatically marked Published as version v.1 

What can I expect if I do not update the Manifest 3D or Manifest iPadOS application(s) to v. 3.0?

  • Manifest 3D and Manifest iPadOS application(s) running v. 2.9 or earlier will only show Published Templates. This means that any draft Templates initiated on a v. 3.0 application will not be available to view or for further editing on applications running versions 2.9 or earlier. 
  • New Templates created on Manifest 3D or Manifest iPadOS application(s) running v. 2.9 or earlier will automatically Published when saved. 

We do not need editorial controls now; is there an option to turn this off?

No. The editorial controls will be automatically updated and a required part of the authoring process in Manifest. However, all Authors can be designated as Approvers and Publishers to facilitate the editorial workflow. 

What are the new Template Status Types and what actions are available with each?

Below are the Template Status types implemented with the new editorial controls along with the various actions available by each user role.

Template Status Definition Actions Available and by Who 
Draft Template is in an editing phase. Any Author user may edit (so long as it’s not currently being edited), save, and Submit for Approval when ready. View – all users  
Edit – Author 
Save – Author  
Submit – Author  
Delete – Author 
Submitted Template has been Submitted for review.  View – all users  
Edit – Author (will Return to Draft status) 
Approve – Approver  
Reject – Approver 
Approved Template has been Approved but is not yet available for Job creation. View – all users  
Edit – Author (will Return to Draft status) 
Publish – Publisher   
Published Template is Published and available for Job creation. Only one version of a Template may be Published. Publishing will automatically Archive an existing Published version if available. View – all users  
Favorite – all users  
Add Job – Operators, Admins 
Archive – Admin, Publisher   
Archived Template is Archived and no longer available for Job Creation and is removed from the Templates list. Archived Templates may be restored to Draft or restored and immediately returned to Published. View – all users (Web application only) 
Restore – Admin, Publisher   

Can users be assigned more than one Editorial User Role?

Yes. Users can be assigned multiple roles, including Author, Approver, and Publisher.

Can an Author Approve and/or Publish their own Templates?

Yes. If a user has the User Roles Author, Approver, and Publisher, they may create & edit Templates, submit for Approval, Approve their own Template, and then Publish. This process aligns closest to the system in place prior to the introduction of editorial controls but does require the Author to take additional steps to move a Template through each stage of the editorial workflow.  
Note: If the submitting Author approves their own Template, no notification will be sent.

When can a Template be edited?

Templates must be in the Draft state to be edited.

Yes, a Template can be edited by anyone with the Author user role, so long as the Template is not currently being edited by another Author. Simultaneous editing of a Template is restricted; however, Authors can request permission to edit a Template. 

Templates will be organized by their status (Draft, Submitted, Approved, Published, Archived) and available to all users, regardless of their User Role. All applications will default to displaying Published Templates only, and users should use the Templates filter to view Templates with a different status.  
Note: Archived Templates can only be accessed from the Manifest Web Application.

  • Only Draft Templates may be deleted. Once deleted they cannot be recovered.
  • Approved Templates can be reverted to a Draft and Deleted by an Author
  • Published Templates may not be deleted. They can, however, be Archived.

A Manifest Connect notification will be sent to the submitting Author when their Template is either Approved or Rejected, along with any comments from the Approver. 

No. The Author does not assign the Template to an Approver for review. It would be the responsibility of Approver to monitor any submitted Templates or the Author to alert an Approver to review their Template. They can use the Share Template option to send a Template to an Approver via Connect Chat. 

No, once a Template is Published it cannot be edited – it can only be archived. A user with the Author role may select ‘Create a new Draft’ to generate a new version where they can make edits to the Template.  

Yes, in fact Manifest Maker v.1.4 will be released at the same time as Manifest v. 3.0 and will support the new Editorial process. When using Maker 1.4, Templates will be exported to Manifest with the Draft status, allowing Authors to continue any AR authoring or configuration in Manifest before finalizing and Publishing the Template.  
Maker 1.3 and earlier will export Templates to Manifest with the Published status.

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