
Manifest Login

The following steps will help you through account setup and log into Manifest for first-time use    Grab your laptop or iPad and access your email  In your email mail application, look for an invitation email from manifestsupport@taqtile.com Select the second link in the email to create password – this link is valid for 72 hours […]

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Toolset Overview

Manifest Toolset Overview Manifest gives deskless workers access to step-by-step guidance and remote assistance from your most experienced technicians and trainers anywhere, anytime   By leveraging augmented reality, Manifest  improves operational workflows so that jobs get done more accurately and consistently. Using Manifest, deskless workers document maintenance and operational procedures, follow step-by-step instructions, remotely collaborate with

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About Creating Templates

A Template is a repeatable set of work instructions (or digitized procedure) characterized by numbered steps that must be completed in a sequential order. Templates are associated with a specific Asset Class (or equipment class) and can be accessed and viewed by that Asset Class and any associated Asset (or specific piece of equipment). Once

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Manifest 3D for HoloLens | 3.0 Release Notes

About this release Below you will find all the latest updates introduced with Manifest 3.0 – now available in the Microsoft Store. Manifest 3.0 introduces new editorial controls and workflow for managing and publishing Templates. 3.0 was published to the Microsoft Store on March 30, 2024 Support notes Important! Clients with On-premise configurations must update

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About Step Notes

Step Notes are an optional tool an Author can use to expand the instruction or paths available from a step. There are multiple note types and no limit to the number of notes that can be added to a step. We recommend being concise and consider the most impactful way to communicate an instruction to

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About Authoring

Authoring is a term we use to describe how a template is created in Manifest. An Author could be a subject matter expert knowledgeable about specific procedures and equipment, or a user responsible for generating standardized work processes for an organization. Authoring can be done while you work, with an experienced operator documenting the work

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Manifest 3D Application UI Basics

About To use the Manifest 3D application, it’s helpful to understand the basic navigation, input, and user interface (UI) tools. Familiarizing yourself with these fundamentals will help you operate Manifest with ease and help you to complete tutorials as you learn about more advanced features. Device Navigation  Before you get started, you’ll want to acquaint yourself with the available navigation and input tools for your device and how they are used to interact with the Manifest 3D application.   HoloLens interactions To

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First time user set-up

User Invitation When a new user is provisioned with a Manifest user license, a system-generated welcome email will be sent to the user’s email address. The welcome email includes the following information: The welcome email will also include information about what role(s) the user has been assigned by their Security Administrator and contact details for

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Domain & User Provisioning

A Manifest ‘domain’ represents your unique deployment of the Manifest application which can be configured by you and will hold your organizations’ data. Domain Provisioning When a Manifest license or package is purchased, the Manifest Support team will provision you with a unique domain for your instance of Manifest. This domain name will be used

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Manifest Connect

Overview  Manifest Connect is the communication and collaboration component of Manifest.  Built on the industry standard WebRTC server technology, Manifest Connect enables real-time and asynchronous collaboration, communication, and remote guidance among frontline workers. Jobs are done faster and more accurately when workers can get help from experts whenever and wherever they need it.   Augmented Communication

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Capture Content – Authoring in Manifest 

This article outlines steps to capture content within the Manifest applications through a process called Authoring.   About Authoring  Authoring is the term used to describe how a work instruction template is created using Manifest. Authors are often experienced technicians or subject matter experts responsible for capturing and annotating their workflow using Manifest.    These captured

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